Roman 10k

Wendy Lawrence wrote:  “I’m sure my 10k from Bath racecourse was rather gentler than the race in the Brecons which some of you did today, but there were a couple of steep hills, very reminiscent of the Magic Roundabout, a steady climb around the hillside, great views, even one section of deep mud which could not be avoided! The race was on part of the Cotswold Way, so the route will be familiar to some of you. At the finish were the usual jelly beans, jaffa cakes, orange quarters and ice-pops, as well as a chocolate bar and nice medal for each finisher. To make a good run even better, I was the first V60 lady to finish (I think maybe I was the only V60 lady in the race – it definitely is the taking part that counts) – my prize is a £20 voucher for goods from Running A good day.
Well done to everyone who ran today, the weather was rather kinder to us wasn’t it.”

WL - Bath

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