

2024 Red Hart Blaisdon 10K Results

Category Winners


Are you looking at this website because you want to get a bit fitter or faster or stronger or trimmer?  Whatever the reason we can help and make it fun as well.

The Club extends a very warm welcome to new people regardless of age or ability.  Our qualified coaches run a variety of sessions for younger athletes, for older juniors and for adults, and we welcome everyone regardless of age or ability.

We value participation as much as performance so our qualified coaches make the sessions inclusive as well as instructive.

Our adult membership is around 250 and we have a very active junior section of 100.  These figures obviously change year on year.

The Club is a registered charity and was founded in 1982.  It is run solely by volunteers and it’s affiliation to UK Athletics requires high standards of safety, welfare and safeguarding

At a recent event, one of our members was told;- β€œYou guys from FODAC are brilliant. Great support for everyone. Wish our Club was like that. β€

If you want to find out more please email us at clubsecretary@fodac.org.uk or come and see us on a Tuesday evening around 6.15 at the track at Five Acres High School GL16 7QW.  You can have a chat, join in or just watch what goes on.

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