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& Star:Track
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Adidas Trail
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Adidas trail


NU Starz


Saturday morning. 9.00-10.30am
Contact Pete Compton
 Mobile 07889189523

Primary age group

September - Complete as many Shine award tests as possible.
October/November - Sportshall training preparation for Sportshall competition
- Exercises from Shine awards Fun and fitness. Last week pre Christmas games.
January - Build up to Primary schools XC. Forest schools Early Feb, County Mid March.
February As January.
March - 1st 2 weeks as January.
April - Practising Skills. Week 1 Throws 2 Jumps 3 Sprints 4 Hurdles.
May/Mid June - Events Going through all the outdoor events 4 jumps 4 throws 4 runs (Sprint starts, sprints, 600, hurdles).
Mid June/July - Going through the events this time measuring and recording for Shine.
August/September - Agility challenge and fun & fitness from Shine

Norwich Union Star:track is an outdoor fun summer athletics coaching event for children between 9-15 years. The Forest of Dean hold theirs at Five Acres Leisure Centre during August for two days.. On a third day the schemes will come together at Cheltenham. There are other schemes in the county, ages and costs may differ. Click here for more information.